The Birth of The King: Happy Birthday, Jesus!

by - 9:49 PM

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Tonight, I don't have time to write a whole blog post, so I thought I would share with y'all an English paper that I wrote during my first semester.  I was thankful that I was able to share about an event that really took place and changed the world forever!
A birthday is a necessary part of life; without one, there is no life.  Many people may not consider another individual's birthday to be an event worth hearing about.  However, the unique birth of a royal figure, even one born years ago, will quickly grab the attention of people and soon a celebration can begin that could spread around the world. 
            Many, many years ago, the birth of a baby boy took place in a way that no person today would want to experience.  There were no doctors present, no pain medication, and no comfortable place to stay.  In a small barn surrounded by animals and hay, this baby took His first breath outside His mother's womb, and they called Him Jesus. "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord" (Luke 2:11), declared an angel to the shepherds.  This verse announced clearly the birth of that boy who would grow up to become a leader among people. 
            With the proclamation of this royal birth, a celebration ensued.  Shepherds and wisemen alike, full of excitement, gathered together to celebrate this birth.  The news quickly spread throughout the land, and soon people everywhere wanted to meet this special child, who was born to be their savior.
            To this day, as December approaches, people around the world begin preparing to celebrate this occasion.  To some this event is just another gift-giving holiday, but to others, it is a day to celebrate the best gift, the birth of the one, true King.  
Tomorrow, don't forget the true reason we celebrate Christmas.  Without the birth of our Savior, there would be no Christmas and there would be no reason to celebrate.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

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