To my brothers and sisters in Christ and whoever else may be reading this,
For some reason lately, my heart has really be overwhelmed with many, many different things. Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with all of them, just one that has really been on my mind the past few days that I feel the Lord is really trying to remind me about.
Let me start of by saying that I definitely consider myself to be different than other people my age, I'm not saying that this is good or bad, it is just a fact. I don't want to be like other people, I just want to be like me. Now, I obviously also struggle with wanting to fit in with people and this world, but I have accepted the fact that it is okay for me not to "fit in". In fact, I am saying now that I don't want to fit in. I don't want to be just another typical 19-year-old female growing up in good 'ole Tennessee.
But there is a reason I am saying this today.
Don't you know that we are God's children? Don't you know that we have something that non-believers don't have? We have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Shouldn't that make us, as God's children, very different from the world. We are supposed to be different than the world! If we are not, why would the world want Jesus if they can't even see examples of Him through His followers.
My fellow brothers and sisters, remember that the day that we became His child, the day that we handed our lives over to the only One who can save us from an eternity in hell, that was the day that we chose to be different. Now, we have an obligation to continue to be different every single day of our lives. Christ should be so evident in our lives that there is no mistaking that we ARE different from those around us. Our lives should look so good from the outside that non-believers want what we have: they should want Jesus.
But, obviously, our lives are not always good. Sometimes, things happen, we mess up, we lie, we steal, we cheat, we stumble, we fall short of those expectations that we have set for ourselves. You know what though? That is supposed to happen. If we didn't mess up, or even just didn't admit when we mess up, why would anyone want to talk to us? It's not easy, nor is it even fun, to try to talk to someone who tries to act like they are perfect. It's a lie anyway, so don't do it! The Bible clearly states that "ALL HAVE SINNED and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Don't try to be perfect, you'll just end up regretting it one day.
Here's what you can do though. You can sin; it's in our nature. You can be forgiven; it's part of being a Christian. You can be accepted. You can be unique. You can be you. You can be so many things. But, my challenge to you: please, be different. Be a light shining for Christ in this dark, dark world. Be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Be a shoulder for someone to cry on when they have no one else to go to. Be a person to talk to when no one else will listen. And above all else, show them Jesus.
It's not going to be easy at all, but it's not supposed to be easy. That's why the Lord gives us not only other brothers and sisters to help to strengthen each other, but more importantly, we have the Holy Spirit inside of us to help us get through our everyday battles. That's the beauty of being His child, we are never on our own.
So yes, it may be difficult and no fun to be different, but, my friends, I can promise you that the reward will be so worth it in the end. Just DON'T give up, please.
Love, Your Sister in Christ, Beth.